3-7 NOVEMBER 2021

About the showcase

From our Managing Director

INDEPENDENT EXTERIOR aims to be a presentation platform that promotes at an international level the artists, the productions and the companies pertaining to the Romanian independent performance art sector. This is the first edition of an event that is unique for our country, and we hope to establish a tradition and contribute to the development of the local artistic range while promoting Romanian art and artists beyond our borders.

The pandemic has seriously impacted the entire cultural sector in the past 19 months and has hindered its curatorial role. Deprived of the ability to plan for long term, the artists have taken significant risks to produce and organize events, swiftly identifying new ways, digital or hybrid, of presenting their work. The art has adapted; it’s time we adapt too. Although we were eager to hold live events, with the audience present in the room, the current situation won’t allow it; therefore, the entire project has been moved online.

The 15 performances selected for broadcast between the 3rd and the 7th of November will run alongside a series of networking events meant to encourage the exchange of knowledge and experience between the local artistic community and international experts. We hope to create a real opportunity for dialogue and cooperation that will actively flourish and grow over the years. INDEPENDENT EXTERIOR is a brave démarche that we are determined to work for, support and accomplish. In partnership with more than 10 organisations, Idea77, as initiator, is making an important call to the entire cultural sector regarding the need to connect nationally as well as internationally. Reinvention, innovation, experimenting, regenerating and developing need resources, and, in the performance arts environment, any encounter can become a material or creative resource. In a time of general rebirth and restart, we believe that opening up towards the external, towards different mentalities, perspectives and collaborations is certainly not only a useful initiative but also a necessary one.

